Last week, I didn’t add any words to my manuscript, instead focusing on researching interior formatting options. I also migrated my work-in-progress from Markdown in Ulysses to AsciiDoc, which I’m just going to edit in VS Code.
I wanted to pass along two links: One you may find useful, one you may find interesting.
The first is André Garzia’s Writing a Technical Book. André has a bunch of good advice in there and recommends some of the tools that I recommend in my book. If you can’t wait for my book, this article can help you get started.
The other link is to a blog post I couldn’t stop myself from writing: Why Blockchains Won’t Revolutionize Publishing. The article isn’t about cryptocurrencies or micropayments, but rather other use cases I’ve seen proposed (or implemented!) for publishing and selling books on the blockchain.
I’m debating about including that as an appendix in my book, but will likely talk myself out of it because it’s not the kind of relevant-for-authors-today information I’m looking to present. If you think it would be an interesting addition for the book, let me know.
I’m very open to any feedback you may have about the article, especially if you have encountered ideas for publishing use cases that truly would benefit from blockchain technology.
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